A cat is thoroughbred, if it can be documented that in at least 5 preceding generations it has only cats of a given breed, marked, registered and recorded in the pedigree books of one of several world felinological organizations.
From January 1, 2012, pedigree issues have become a little complicated. From that day, the amended Animal Protection Act is in force in Poland. Under it it is forbidden to breed and trade animals that do not have a pedigree, i.e. selling dogs and cats from outside registered kennels without pedigree is illegal. This act was to curb the abnormal breeding of animals, unfortunately, the legislator did not specify who has the right to produce pedigrees, or what conditions such a pedigree must meet. Of course, associations of cat breeders, like dogs or other animals, have long described what a pedigree must look like, how many generations it must contain, and what animal can be called racial, but these rules have not been applied in the new law.
The result is that owners of non-pedigree animals, wanting to continue to breed non-pedigree animals (because the problem also applies to dogs), began to associate in associations or clubs, and print their own documents, which they also call pedigrees. In these papers, we often have only parents, and without a specific breed, that is, our kitten will be the child of Roksana and Puszka, who, based on similarity larger or smaller, were considered a cat of a given breed. Such paper will not be recognized by any feline relationship, the cat will not be accepted as a purebred cat at any exhibition, and - most importantly - it does not guarantee in any way that the cat is of a given breed.
Pedigree is the only document proving the origin of the cat. It confirms the raciality of the cat because it shows in 5 preceding generations the ancestors of a given breed. It is marked with the logotype of a world felinological organization and recorded in the pedigree books of that federation. If the cat has no pedigree, we can not say anything about its ancestors. Such a cat may resemble a cat of a particular breed, but it is not really its representative. Belonging to a given breed can tell us a lot about it, because each breed is different in terms of character and appearance. Each breed recognized by an international organization (there are several) has a precisely described pattern according to which cats are judged at shows. This pattern determines what coat color a cat's breed can have, how long its tail should be, and finally what the shape of its face should be. The features recorded in the pattern are considered to be the most desirable and selected breeding cats to be preserved in their offspring. The breed standard is created in cooperation with breeders from many countries who share their experiences.
Each pedigree cat inherits its pedigree from its pedigree parents and their ancestors, often much more than disclosed five generations ago. Organizations operating in Poland in accordance with these standards are associations associated in FIFe, WCF and TICA, and the pedigree of each of them will have the logo of one of these organizations. The logo of one of these organizations should also be on the kennel website, where you may possibly want to buy a cat, if it is a purebred cat with a pedigree confirming the breed, i.e. documenting the 5 generations preceding the given cat.
Simply providing the breeder with such a document is not enough.
Pedigree without the FIFe, WCF or TICA logo will not be recognized by any organization other than the exhibitor, and you will not be able to participate in exhibitions (unless in the roofers' class).
You will also never be sure that your animal is racial, therefore healthy, not burdened by genetic diseases, showing desirable and breed-specific traits.
The price of kittens from breeding does not come from nowhere. It is not the result of breeders' conspiracy, fashion or pursuit of earnings and most often it is only a reimbursement of the costs of growing a kitten. The costs of breeding include primarily:
Membership fees in organizations and clubs of breeds to which the breeder belongs,
The costs of registering a kennel name,
Registration costs of bred cats,
Costs related to animal welfare and adaptation of living conditions in farming,
Exhibition costs, including international; exhibition fees, travel, accommodation,
The costs of diplomas awarded titles, mating cards, litter cards,
Cat's mating costs,
Purchase costs of breeding cats. A cat breeder is required to carefully select genetic material, i.e. simply search for the best, unrelated tomcat, preferably from a foreign genetic line.
The costs of properly balanced nutrition for both kittens and other cats in the cattery,
Costs of constant veterinary care, regular vaccinations, deworming, chipping, check-ups, ultrasound, x-ray, cardiac echo ...
Costs of genetic testing, blood group determination, geriatric testing of older post-breeding cats and castrates remaining in breeding,
Sometimes the veterinary costs associated with pregnancy and Caesarean section,
The cost of pedigree.
You will spend the difference in the veterinary office anyway. An animal of unknown origin and lack of documented information about healthy ancestors may have genetic defects and a predisposition to diseases that you will not notice at first glance. In addition, your pet may not be like the breed you chose at all.
Always visit the cattery before picking up the kitten. Never buy a cat at a show, in a pet shop or market.
Make sure that the cats living there are properly cared for. If you see cats in cages, in the basement, dirty and emaciated, report this fact to the parent breeder's club or to the Field Guard Unit for Animals.
Check your health book or passport to see if your kitten has completed the mandatory vaccination program.
Check the 5-generation pedigree of the cat and find one of the 3 logos on the leaflet.
The kitten must be at least 12 weeks old on the day of receipt.
Be sure to sign the appropriate purchase and sale agreement with the breeder.
If you see that your kitten has signs of catarrh or is clearly sick, neglected and emaciated,
DO NOT TAKE IT FOR MERCY !!! You become complicit in the fate of animals like this.
If you do not care about a purebred cat, go to the shelter, give the house to a homeless cat.
International FIFe Judge Anna Wilczek
International FIFe Referee Dorota Szadurska
How to prepare for the kitten's party?
When we decide to accept a cat into our home, it is worth figuring out what threatens the cat and what should be noted to protect our pet against an accident or an unpleasant situation. How to prepare for the adoption of a cat, which is necessary for him to feel safe during our absence from home. It doesn't matter if we take a cat from the shelter or decide to buy a cat from breeding or adoption. Kitten or adult has their own specific needs, preferences and should be given to him. A cat is a family member and should be treated like this, he needs a lot of love and tenderness on our part, good nutrition, security at home, he will repay us with love and a tender purring in his ear.
If we decide on the kitten's first rule, we do not take the cat before the age of at least 12 weeks is very important for the correct kitten's psyche to stay with his mother until this age.
What we must pay special attention to in order for our home to be a safe home for a cat.
Particular attention should be paid to balconies, windows, chemicals, plants, all cables and electrical outlets.
Cats love to gnaw plants especially when something is on their stomachs. It is worth preparing a grass for cats or sowing into a tiny pot yourself, the wheat is sweet and the soft cats like especially in the morning to nibble on sweet dew droplets from freshly grown plants.
Potted plants, those which after breaking off secrete a white liquid are poisonous to a cat, if we have such we must protect them so that the kitten does not have access to them. The most dangerous are;
Azalea, Aloe, Diffenbachia, Dracaena, Smokowiec, Geranium, Hydrangea, Ivy (many of its varieties), Liguster, Narcissus, Ornamental Tobacco, Philodendron, Bethlehem Star, Rhododendron, Rhododendron.
All cactuses and other cacti with sharp spines should also be placed so that during our absence at home the kitten cannot reach. All cables within the reach of cat teeth are great fun, which may end unfortunately for our pet, but it will give us trouble with replacement for new ones. Electrical sockets should be well attached to the wall so that none of them protrudes. Cats are curious and as it happens in life everything that is forbidden causes the greatest joy and curiosity in play.
Windows and balconies are one of the most dangerous places in our apartment. Cats do not always fall on four paws falling out of the window is a common cause of death for many cats. If we live on the ground floor, the kitty will go out for a walk from which she will probably never come back. To protect our cat from falling out or escaping, put protective nets on these windows and the balcony where the cat has access. On the market there are ready-made nets with assembly instructions very easy to install. Chemicals we use at home are another threat to our cat's life and health, they should be secured so that the cat does not have access to them. Some cats can easily open a cupboard or wardrobe door, sometimes the room door is not an impediment.
What things should you buy for your pet?
The basic thing to do is to put the litter box in such a place that the cat has easy access to it all the time, it can be our toilet or bathroom, however, the door must be open or let's enter it. Which litter box to choose, sandy or non-litter, I definitely recommend the litter tray. Cats are clean by nature and like to bury their droppings, we will avoid unpleasant smells in the apartment and constantly washing the dirt. We have a choice of indoor and outdoor cuvettes, corner, screening, various sizes and colors, many have carbon filters, recently self-cleaning cuvettes have appeared. To fill them also a large selection of pebbles, which one to choose?
Wooden, concrete or silicone. Cheap or more expensive, it depends on us, the size of the litter box should be adjusted to the size of the cat so that it can rotate freely and fit in. The first litter we buy is the same as the one the cat had before, the cats are attached to the type of litter. Some kennels get used to kittens for a few types of gravel so that the kitten will not be able to adapt to a new home. Cats learn by imitating, so in a larger group you will always be brave to try something new. Many behaviors are conveyed by the mother of the kitten, which is why it is so important for kittens to be with their mother until about three months of age. Natural wooden litter with the smell of sawdust very well absorbs odors - Cats Best, Benek Kruszon, lumping and non-lumping is very efficient can be removed in the toilet without the risk of clogging. The second type of wooden gravel is Quince and Super Pinio. They are shaved pencil-shaped gravels and when you add urine, the sticks fall apart and sawdust is thrown away. Wooden gravels have it that they are very light and sticky cats spread around the apartment.
Concrete gravels here are very large discrepancy and choice - they are lumpy and non-lumpy, dusty, and those that do not dust yet fragrant. In this case, it is worth asking which breeder used so that there would be no problem with the kitten of this kind of gravel, we can not throw it to the toilet, it may clog the drain. Fine gravels that do not dust, odorless or with the smell of powder are very good. They are more expensive, but more efficient lumps are compacted, they do not fall apart, the cuvette is very clean for a long time. I can recommend Super Benek Compact, Hilton or Golden Gray. Cheaper concrete gravels are inefficient, often thick granules, which, when removed, disintegrate with more cats.
Silicone gravels are efficient gravels that absorb urine inside, we replace the whole of the cuvette after the color change, however, the granules are quite thick sharp and "shoot" when the cat enters.
Not every cat will deal with such gravel, you have to get used to it gradually.
Recently, a very small so-called Star dust is very efficient urine falls to the bottom of the litter box we replace the whole.
To sum up, what kind of gravel is most convenient for us and for our portfolio you can test a few, however, please remember our pupils cats have their preferences, if we change the content of the litter box it is worth to get a second one and gradually get used to to avoid unpleasant surprises on our favorite carpet.
Transporter - in which we bring our cat will also be useful during visits to the clinic or traveling with a cat.
Which one to choose also on our market is a very large selection. When choosing a transporter it is worth guiding what to choose whether it should be a bag, plastic or wicker, how often it will serve us. If only to the doctor lightweight bags comfortable for us to carry, but not too spacious. Plastic is a very large selection of both sizes and colors are stable quite extensive very recommended for the car. Wicker not very comfortable for us to wear, however, they can easily be used as a sleeping house for our pet, cats love wicker.
A scratcher is an indispensable cat piece of furniture in our apartment to save scratched soft sofas and couches. It doesn't have to be a huge cat tree right away, it is important that the cat can stretch out and clean its claws. Cats peel off the claw layer, which was replaced by a new one is the main reason for scratching soft furniture and carpets. Buying a cat tree is the basic thing so that your kitten doesn't have a break and doesn't start destroying objects at home. There is a large selection on the market in terms of colors and heights and the price we can choose for the interior design.
Bowls, which plastic or metal plastic to choose, the latter are the most suitable durable easy to clean and colorful. At the beginning we have to look at the water bowl here ceramic or automatic fountain. For dry and wet food, it can be metal or plastic or ceramic, metal are durable and do not wear out as quickly as plastic cups, they should be replaced quite often.
We obtain food for a kitten after obtaining from the breeder tips what the cat eats must be dry and wet food adapted to the age of our cat to create optimal conditions for further growth.
Toys for the cat: little mice, balls, brooms with feathers - these are the favorite toys of cat friends.
Cat castration and catkins
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Our cats have FPL pedigrees
(Felis Polonia)
FPL belongs to the global FIFE organization